St. Arnold School, Sambalpur is one of the units of the Society of the Divine Word, a minority institution. As it is stated by “The Central Government Act in theArticle 30(1) in The Constitution of India 1949.(1) All minorities, whether based on religion or language, shall have the right to establish and administer educational institutions of their choice.” Therefore, Admissions in the school will be granted to students as per the order mentioned below.

1. Candidates who are Catholics/Christians.

2. Candidates who are siblings of students studying in the school.

3. Candidates who are children of the school employees.

4. Candidates who are children of the Army/Police/CRPF personnel. (10 seats)  

5. Others. (Interview and entrance test will be conducted to know the child’s strength and present position.)

6. Nobody can claim admission as a matter of right and the school authorities can refuse admission without assigning any reason.

7. The age bar for admission to Nursery is 3 +, for KG. 1 age 4, for KG. 2 age 5 and class 1 age 6.

8. Every child seeking admission must be introduced in person to the Principal by Parents/legal guardians. Recommendations by anyone will not be entertained.

9. All candidates who have previously attended any school must produce transfer certificates. Birth Certificate should accompany the application for any fresh admission. Candidates coming from another  state  need the transfer certificate countersigned by the educational authorities of the place where the school is situated.  

10. Name and date of birth of a candidate (endorsed by a competent authority) once entered in the Admission Register will not be altered, whatever the case may be. 

11. Application for T.C. along with the prescribed fee should be submitted to the School Office at least 30 days before the T.C. is to be issued or one month school fee has to be paid. Transfer certificates are normally issued to the students only at the end of the academic year. In case of transfer of parents the child can be withdrawn at a convenient time. All the dues up to the current quarter must be paid to the school before the TC is issued.

12. The Principal has the right to refuse the continuation of studies to any pupil whose conduct is unsatisfactory, irregular attendance, habitual idleness, negligence in studies, grave disobedience, serious misconduct even outside school hour; disrespect/quarrel/humiliation towards members of the staff by   Students/parents/guardians in any forms will be considered as sufficient cause for dismissal

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