Hearty welcome to St. Arnold School, Remed, Sambalpur.

St. Arnold School, under the guidance of its patron St. Arnold Janssen, began its journey of transforming lives in April 2014. With its motto “Moulding the future-Transforming Lives,” the school envisions to create a better and enlightened society. A conscious look at the school emblem reveals the presence of an Open Book symbolizing enlightenment. The words ‘The Word’ inscribed on the book represents the Sacred Scriptures of all religions. The Burning Lamp is a clarion call to progressively journey from darkness of ignorance to the light of wisdom. The Sun symbolizes the life-giving principles. The Cross symbolizes Christian values of love, equality, unity, forgiveness, and sacrifice. Finally, The Flying Birds indicate that sky is the limit and that we have lots to discover and much more to learn.

St. Arnold School is in its infancy with classes from Nursery to std-10. The school constantly strives to provide a homely atmosphere to its students. The moderate number of students in each class paves the way for the administration and the staff to nurture a very unique and friendly relationship with students which inversely catalyzes sharing and caring. The previous administration gets the credit for their concerted efforts in implanting a solid base towards the pursuit of learning. We at St. Arnold School believe that language is the vehicle to success. Hence, we invest all our energies in helping our students learn English and emerge as confident public speakers.

Being citizens of a spiritually rich country like India that has always been on a search after truth, it becomes our responsibility to view education from a wider perspective. We should never forget that we are intellectual beings as well as spiritual beings. Hence, there is a greater need to cultivate spiritual values. Every child needs to grow in personal prayer to experience spiritual nourishment for one’s integral growth.The serenity of mind and heart,attained through a balanced spiritual life, needs to be at the base in the pursuit of learning. Constant accompaniment of parents and teachers and their exemplary living can make a marked difference in the lives of students.  While the whole world looks for easy ways towards success and when the concept of hard work seems to be slowly erasing from young minds, it is the responsibility of every parent to foster the notion of hard work in the hearts and minds of their children. Together with you dear parents, we join our hands and hearts in building a responsible family and a progressive nation.

My best wishes and God’s Blessings to every visitor to this website.

Mukt Lal Ekka


St. Arnold School, Remed


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